Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Patah Hati

Patah Hati






((Lagu yang aku baru dengar. Sila abaikan rangkap pertama dan kedua, tiada kaitan dengan post aku kali ni. Harap maklum..sape nak album dia, bleh habaq kat aku))

Lebih kurang jam 11.15mlm, aku tiba di rumah sewa. Baru pulang dari perjumpaan mingguan HPA. Err...sejak bila aku aktif dengan HPA ni? Ohhoo..sebenarnya malam ni merancang untuk ke kelas bahasa Arab, tapi lepas maghrib aku dapat makluman bahawa kelas dibatalkan. Kebetulan, beberapa minit sebelum sms pembatalan tu aku terima, housemate aku mengajak utuk menghadiri perjumpaan mingguan HPA, sebab ada seorang sahabat dari Nibong Tebal mengajak kami untuk datang sama. Oleh kerana malam ni aku dah spacekan masa utk 'berfoya-foya' (sepatutnya aku perlu berada di lab malam ni..), so aku terima ajakan akak tu. Dalam keadaan patah hati tak dapat pegi kelas Bahasa Arab (sebab minggu2 sebelum ni aku takda kat kampus..), aku pergilah ke perjumpaan tu. Banyak info yang aku dapat. Kebetulan, semasa pulang ke kampung aritu, produk2 HPA menjadi bualan hangat time kami sekeluarga berkumpul. So, dapatla jugak aku tambah pengetahuan tentang produk2 ni (orang lain lama dh tahu, aku je baru tahu. Ahli lelap. Huhu..). Pasni boleh la suggest kat orang2 rumah produk2 ni. Dan 'patah hati' aku tu bertambah pulih bila pada penghujung perjumpaan, aku dapat cabutan bertuah. SubhanAllah, dalam hati berduka, Allah kirim penawarnya, walaupun pada pandangan mata orang lain, apelah sangat. Mesti ade je yang kata, "Apa barang nak gembira dapat cabutan bertuah yang bape RM tu je." Oh sahabat, mari kita tengok betul2. Ya, benda2 kecil camtulah yang selalu orang terlepas pandang. Selalu sahaja kedengaran orang mengatakan mereka sering ditimpa musibah, tanpa datang pertolongan dari Allah. Sebenarnya, pertolongan Allah tu datang dalam pelbagai bentuk. Mungkin sahaja kita mengharapkan pertolongan Allah itu datang dalam bentuk A, namun Allah memberinya dalam bentuk B, kerana Allah Maha Mengetahui, sesungguhnya kita lebih memerlukan B daripada A. Keadaan ini kadangkala menyebabkan kita jarang bersyukur kepada Allah. Betapa sombongnya kita jika kita terlalu sukar untuk mengucapkan syukur kepada-NYA. Astaghfirullah..

>> Mari kita sama-sama menghisab diri <<

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Aku pilih yang Hijau Putih

Hijau+Putih. Kombinasi yang menarik. Aku memang minat dengan hijau putih ni. Tak tau sejak bila. Dulu time aku kanak2, aku tak suka hijau putih ni. Aku lebih suka yang merah. Biasala, budak2, mudah tertipu. Warna merah kan terang, Nampak macam best je kan. Tapi sapa yang sampai tua ni pun masih tertipu dengan warna2 yang menarik ni, boleh cek balik kot. Kalau setakat minat, xpelah, x jadik masalah. Hehe..

Bila dah mula kenal dunia ni, aku jumpa banyak jenis rupanya benda ni. Ada yang hijau, coklat putih, kelabu, purple, kuning, biru muda. Tapi aku tetap suka dengan yang warna hijau putih ni. Semacam ada sesuatu yang mengikat aku dengan yang warna hijau putih ni. Sualah yang warna apa sekalipun, aku tetap pilih yang hijau putih.

Semalam, sepetang aku mencari, tapi akhirnya kempunan. Aku tidak ketemu dengan yang hijau putih. Malah yang warna2 lain pun xde. Mana mereka semua pegi? Takkan semua turun ke selatan kot. Setibanya di rumah, aku meninjau2 di google, mencari yang hijau putih ni. Nah, akhirnya aku ketemu dengan resepi bawah ni. Bleh tengok ja sebab rumah sewa tak punya kelengkapan yang cukup utk buat eksperimen. Takpe, mehla same2 belek resipi buat kuih seri muka ni. Bila ada peluang nnt, bolehla buat. Huhuhu...

Resipi kuih Seri Muka

Bahan lapisan bawah:-

  • 500gm beras pulut
  • 400ml santan cair
  • 1 st garam
  • 2 sm minyak

Bahan lapisan atas:-

  • 120gm tepung gandum
  • 3 sm tepung jagung
  • 140gm gula
  • 3 biji telur
  • 450ml santan pekat
  • 1/2 st garam
  • 300ml air + 10 helai daun pandan dikisar utk dijadikan air pandan (bagi yg tak mudah nak dptkan daun pandan..boleh digantikan dgn 1 st pandan paste)


Untuk lapisan bawah:-

  1. Sediakan kukusan terlebih dahulu. Biarkan air mendidih.
  2. Bersihkan beras pulut dan direndam selama 10-20min.
  3. Toskan beras pulut. Tak perlulah lama2 sekejap je pon boleh.
  4. Satukan semua bahan2 didlm loyang dan dikacau sedikit agar minyak dapat diratakan.
  5. Kukus diatas kukusan yg telah sedia mendidih selama 20-30min.
  6. Keluarkan loyang dari kukusan dan ratakan permukaan pulut tadi. Siap untuk dilapis dgn lapisan atas.

Untuk lapisan atas:-

  1. Pukul gula bersama telur hingga kembang..sikit je pon boleh.
  2. Masokkan santan yg telah dilarutkan bersama garam. Diikuti dgn air pandan dan dipukul/dikacau lagi...
  3. Akhir sekali ayakkan tepung gandum & tepung jagung ke dlm adunan tadi. Dipukul/dikacau lagi agar tidak berbiji. Hendakla ditapis adunan ini dan siap untuk dikukus!!
  4. Sekali lagi dgn kukus yg sedia mendidih tapi INGAT api biar sederhana aje...letakkan loyang yg berisi pulut tadi tu....kedlm kukusan dan dgn perlahan tuangkan lapisan atas. Kukus la selama 45min atau 1jam....

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (4 & 5)

Avoidance of Accountability

The need to avoid interpersonal discomfort prevents team members from holding one another accountable.

Lack of clarity and direction (as explained in the step above) makes it impossible to hold anyone accountable. How can someone be accountable if they do not know what is expected in the first place?

Successful organizations must have an environment in place where people are able to call each other out for not living up to their standards. This should be the case whether positions are paid or unpaid. People are uncomfortable letting others know that their performance may not be up to the expected standards because they fear losing a volunteer, or perhaps even a friendship. Letting these feelings fester though, will only cause those relationships to deteriorate. It is time for Islamic organizations to stop settling, and demand the best – even if it requires some personal discomfort along the way. Doing this will actually develop mutual respect amongst the people working within the organization because they know they are equally being held to the same high standards by one another.

If this accountability is not there, then people begin to simply look out for their own self-interests over and above the interests of the organization.

Inattention to Results

The pursuit of individual goals and personal status erodes the focus on collective success.

Once an organization has clearly defined its goals and objectives, it must focus on meeting them. When an organization loses sight of those results, their attention shifts elsewhere. Lencioni says ‘elsewhere’ in this case would be team and individual status:

Team Status: For [some], merely being part of the group is enough to keep them satisfied. For them, the achievement of specific results might be desirable, but not necessarily worthy of great sacrifice or inconvenience. As ridiculous and dangerous as this might seem, plenty of teams fall prey to the lure of status. These often include altruistic nonprofit organizations that come to believe that the nobility of their mission is enough to justify their satisfaction … as they often see success in merely being associated with their specialorganizations.

Individual Status: This refers … [to people focusing] on enhancing their own positions … at the expense of the team.

The collective results must be more important than individual aims and objectives. One important note is the relationship of this dysfunction to the issue of trust (step 1). Individuals getting involved must also cleanse their hearts of any ill intentions such as seeking fame and credit in the community. The eventual breakdown of an entire organization can start from the simplest of individual wants or intentions.

Concluding Thoughts

Lencioni summarized it best:

And so, like a chain with just one link broken, teamwork deteriorates if even a single dysfunction is allowed to flourish.

Another way to understand this model is to take the opposite approach – a positive one – and imagine how members of a truly cohesive team behave:

1. They trust one another.

2. They engage in unfiltered conflict around ideas.

3. They commit to decisions and plans of action.

4. They hold one another accountable for delivering against those plans.

5. They focus on the achievement of collective results

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (3)

Lack of Commitment

The lack of clarity or buy-in prevents team members from making decisions to which they will commit.

Commitment only comes from the step above – once everyone’s perspectives and opinions have been heard, they can all buy into the concept knowing that all ideas have been considered. And of course, that discussion cannot take place without step 1 – establishing trust.

According to Lencioni, the two biggest factors hindering commitment are:

  1. Desire for consensus
  2. Need for certainty

It seems many Islamic organizations refuse to move forward even one step without both of those being in place. Finding consensus is a nearly impossible task, and consensus is usually sought out of fear of backlash. It seems leaders are unwilling to make decisions without 100% support in case something goes wrong, they can defend themselves. This is unhealthy for the growth of any organization.

People do not need to agree with a decision in order to support it. As long as their ideas have been properly heard (explained in the step above), then they can rally around the decision – even if they disagree with it.

The need for certainty is closely related to the phenomenon of analysis paralysis. Organizations are unwilling to make a decision until a certain amount of data is available to them – at which point it might be too late. They have an innate need to feel like they have made the correct decision. Often times, a decision will need to be made quickly, and without the benefit of having all of the relevant information available. It is important to decide, and move on. Better to go down swinging then not show up at all. We are blessed with Istikharah and shura. Utilize them. Constantly delaying a decision, or flip-flopping back and forth will not help you make the correct choice, instead it will just kill your credibility.

Symptoms of lack of commitment include: ambiguity about direction and priorities, lack of confidence, fear of failure, and revisiting issues over and over for discussion. Islamic organizations need to clearly define their goals, rally around those common objectives, create an environment of learning from mistakes, and moving forward without regret.

The Prophet (sal-Allahu ‘alayhi was-Sallam) said the believer is not bitten from the same hole twice. We cannot demand perfection, but we demand the best effort.